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Creating network mixing matrices (mixingm()) and data frames (mixingdf()).


mixingm(object, ...)

# S3 method for igraph
  cattr = rattr,
  full = FALSE,
  directed = is.directed(object),
  loops = any(is.loop(object)),

mixingdf(object, ...)

# S3 method for table
mixingdf(object, ...)

# S3 method for igraph
mixingdf(object, ...)



R object, see Details for available methods


other arguments passed to/from other methods


name of the vertex attribute or an attribute itself as a vector. If cattr is not NULL, rattr is used for rows of the resulting mixing matrix.


name of the vertex attribute or an attribute itself as a vector. If supplied, used for columns in the mixing matrix.


logical, whether two- or three-dimensional mixing matrix should be returned.


logical, whether the network is directed. By default, directedness of the network is determined with igraph::is_directed().


logical, whether loops are allowed. By default it is TRUE whenever there is at least one loop in object.


Function mixingm(), depending on full argument, a two- or three-dimensional array crossclassifying connected or all dyads in object. For undirected network and if foldit is TRUE (default), the matrix is folded onto the upper triangle (entries in lower triangle are 0).

Function mixingdf() returns non-zero entries of a mixing matrix (as returned by mixingm()), but organized in a data frame with columns:

  • ego, alter -- group membership of ego an alter

  • tie -- present only if full=TRUE, with TRUE or FALSE for connected and disconnected dyads respectively

  • n -- counts


Network mixing matrix is, traditionally, a two-dimensional cross-classification of edges depending on the values of a specified vertex attribute for tie sender and tie receiver. It is an important tool for assessing network homophily or segregation.

Let \(G\) be the number of distinct values of the vertex attribute in question. We may say that we have \(G\) mutually exclusive groups in the network. The mixing matrix is a \(G \times G\) matrix such that \(m_{ij}\) is the number of ties send by vertices in group \(i\) to vertices in group \(j\). The diagonal of that matrix is of special interest as, say, \(m_{ii}\) is the number of ties within group \(i\).

A full mixing matrix is a three-dimensional array that cross-classifies all network dyads depending on:

  1. the value of the vertex attribute for tie sender

  2. the value of the vertex attribute for tie receiver

  3. the status of the dyad, i.e. whether it is connected or not

The two-dimensional version is a so-called "contact layer" of the three-dimensional version.

If object is of class "igraph," mixing matrix is created for the network in object based on vertex attributes supplied in arguments rattr and optionally cattr.

If only rattr is specified (or, equivalently, rattr and cattr are identical), the result will be a mixing matrix \(G \times G\) if full is FALSE or \(G \times G \times 2\) if full is TRUE. Where \(G\) is the number of categories of vertex attribute specified by rattr.

If rattr and cattr can be used to specify different vertex attributes for tie sender and tie receiver.


if(requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # some directed network
  net <- igraph::make_graph(c(1,2, 1,3, 2,3,  4,5,  1,4, 1,5, 4,2, 5,3))
  igraph::V(net)$type <- c(1,1,1, 2,2)
  mixingm(net, "type")
  mixingm(net, "type", full=TRUE)
  # as undirected
  mixingm( igraph::as.undirected(net), "type")
  mixingm(net, "type")
  mixingm(net, "type", full=TRUE)
#> , , tie = FALSE
#>    alter
#> ego 1 2
#>   1 3 4
#>   2 4 1
#> , , tie = TRUE
#>    alter
#> ego 1 2
#>   1 3 2
#>   2 2 1