Create network objects from 'graph6', 'sparse6', or 'digraph6' symbols
Create network objects from 'graph6', 'sparse6', or 'digraph6' symbols
# complete graph in graph6 format
g6 <- "G~~~~{"
# random graph with 15 nodes
s6 <- ":NeF?bsl?aNC"
# random directed graph with 10 nodes
d6 <- "&I???GGGI?_gG??O???"
#> [[1]]
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 8
#> directed = FALSE
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> bipartite = FALSE
#> total edges= 28
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 28
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> vertex.names
#> No edge attributes
#> [[1]]
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 8
#> directed = FALSE
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> bipartite = FALSE
#> total edges= 28
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 28
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> vertex.names
#> No edge attributes
#> [[2]]
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 15
#> directed = FALSE
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> bipartite = FALSE
#> total edges= 9
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 9
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> vertex.names
#> No edge attributes
#> [[3]]
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 10
#> directed = TRUE
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> bipartite = FALSE
#> total edges= 10
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 10
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> vertex.names
#> No edge attributes